Leading exhibitions and the latest’s trends – MAISON&OBJET – Paris

According to our blog tradition and my promise, this month will be devoted entirely to inspiring exhibitions (remember, that we have already agreed that inspiration is everywhere, all you have to do is notice it). This post will be divided into 4 part.

This part will be dedicated to one particular exhibition that thrilled me because of it’s design language “Maximalizem”, The MAISON&OBJET DESIGN FAIR – Paris, that took place on September 6-10, 2019. The exhibition revealed some great and first product lines of the season and after I was being invited to exhibit at this year’s show, I was exposed to all of the beauty at MAISON&OBJET exhibition. MAISON&OBJET provides a rare glimpse into the world of Maximalism and a unique Art Nouveau design, colorfulness, plenty and of textures and more..(you remember these issues guys, I already talked about the new design approach for 2020) Even if you are not into Maximum, surely you will find something to inspire or excite you in this amazing event. I personally could not ignore the unique combination of Paris style and the production process, the outstanding design intelligence and approach all over the years.

The second part is about – THE IAA 2019/ Germany, there I will share my point of view about the materials in the car world with a special and separate treat that related to the F1 – Formula championship in Italy.

In the last part I will share with you my lecture about my method “Thinking Inside The Box – The Math of  Design” that took place in Israel in an event called  “Israel’s influencers 2019Simpleasme222.



Enjoyed the read?

Don`t be shy to contact me with requests for more fabulous images, exchange of experiences or even tips about the next MAISON&OBJET DESIGN FAIR (because it is very crowded and there is plenty of places to visit and see and you don`t want to be there them).









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  studiordd@gmail.com  /    11/09/2019  /   exhibition, Inspiration, maison-objet, maximalism, PARIS, מקסימליזם, מתמטיקה של עיצוב  /   0 Comments

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