New products – The Math Of Design.
About the project:
The Math Of Design – to explain myself better, I must begin with a small
introduction: My name is Ilana Seleznev and I`m an industrial designer this fact is
important since the methodology is related to studies and my work, but not only. I
appeal to everyone, not just designers – as part of our endless learning in life – it has
professionally bothered me that our world is represented as very amorphous and lacks
in methodologies when in reality, we as Product designers must design products like
cars – not really amorphous, is it?
How does Mathematics relate to design, you ask? In my opinion, creative and
innovative development and design should be based on clear tools and formulas, in
other words, working systematically and in patterns. Just as it is in the practical world
– in mathematics.
Using simple math-like tools, we can create innovative and extraordinary products in
a fast and efficient way.
Looking deeper into our daily environment and surroundings in a methodological way
can enlighten us and open new ways of thinking and using materials we have never
thought of before.
So, who said thinking inside the box is bad? using the right tools, it`s inspiring!
The inspiration influenced by Ilana Seleznev’s new thinking system methodology which she developed that calls “The Math Of Design – Thinking Inside The Box”, that guides designers on how to think and where to look in order to create innovative products in a systematic way.